Monday, August 13, 2007

Today, a random stranger asked me when I was due. You have no idea how happy that made me! Sure, I like the attention, but it must mean that I look pregnant and not just like I've been eating A LOT! Then, on my way through the checkout, the "bag-boy" (man) asked me if I wanted help carrying out my groceries. When I politely declined he said that I shouldn't be lifting the heavy items if I'm expecting. Maybe I should start taking advantage of people's generosity!


Shora said...

Aw, enjoy it while it lasts hon... cuz pretty soon you'll be ready to punch the next person that says "you're not due til WHEN?!?! You're so HUUUUUGE!!!"

Mackey said...

lol @ true:)


Yes you should!! Just wait till they go - "OMG are you having twins?"

SG said...

Someone DID ask me if I was having twins, and as you know, I'm exactly as far along as you! I was devistated.

But yeah, I'm enjoying my ever growing bump too. Definitely take advantage of the offers to help! You've got to conserve your energy...

Cori said...

Yeah, the novelty of that question wears off 4 years after you've given birth...

exile said...

might as well take the generosity, cause when the baby is bawling in the stroller while you're writing a check in the 10 items or less lane... well, kindness won't be found

Robin Alexa said...

You should for SURE! Milk it Sassy.