Sunday, December 23, 2007

The labour....

**I actually started this just before Christmas, but only just finished it now in February. Mason is 9 weeks old already!**

I'm not really sure why I feel the need to write about the events of my labour, it's not like I'll ever truly forget! Alas, it's something I want to do. I'm guessing it may get a bit graphic or perhaps a little too much information. My friend K better not read this until after she has her little one! THEN we'll talk girl! Soooo here I through it again, this time without the pain!

We got the call from the hospital just after 9am saying that it wasn't busy and I should come in to be induced. I hung up the phone and just sat there stunned for a moment. I got a little teary eyed thinking 'this is it!' Once we were ready we headed out to the hospital. By the time we got there it was quite a bit busier then they had expected. I waited in triage for most of the afternoon to be induced. My doctor was on-call (as planned) and she popped in to see how I was doing. Somewhere around 3:00 she came and put the first dose of gel in. She gave me the option right before to go home and they could try it next week since my blood pressure was good at that moment. I was there and just wanted to get things going so she went ahead. As soon as she was done I told her I've decided to wait (I can be an ass). Apparently she knows me well enough to know that I was kidding. My doctor had checked me and said I was about 2cm dilated. They had to monitor me for an hour after. I started feeling something almost instantly. Very mild and about 20 minutes apart. No big deal. We were sent home and told that we should come back around 9pm to be checked. If nothing was happening I would receive a second dose of the gel. If I went into labour sooner I could come back. When we got home I opted for a nap. I was awoken at about 7:15 with pains. I knew I was having contractions and they were only about 5 minutes apart. We live about 30 minutes from the hospital so we decided we'd just get ready and head in. In that 30 minute drive my contractions went from being 5 minutes apart to being about 2-3 minutes apart. By the time we were in the labour and delivery triage they were bad enough that I couldn't talk through them and definitely needed to focus on getting through each one. No second dose needed. My doctor was off for the night (and would be back in in the morning). The doctor on call checked me after being monitored for a bit and decided I was still only about 2cm. They were going to send me home except my contractions were very strong and close together and we live rather far away. Instead she broke my water (what a weird feeling!) and we decided to walk around the hospital for a few hours to try to get things going. I was in a lot of pain. Back pain. I had no idea back labour was so bad...and I was having a lot of it. It was far worse to deal with then any pain in my abdomen. Yelch! My husband couldn't rub my back hard enough. I don't think I would wish back labour on anyone. What made it hard was that I couldn't lie down or sit with that back pain which made monitoring difficult. We walked around until about 2:30am. The doctor checked me and I was only 2-3cm dilated! I was really disappointed! I was getting tired too. I continued to labour in triage. I was the only one there at that point. Some lady came in with her partner and someone from the ER. I heard, "this lady needs help." Her partner had apparently stopped the car right outside the ER doors and brought her in. He said he had to go park the car before it got towed, and would do that now that she was in the hands of the nurse. She delivered within 5 minutes (!!!!) and he missed it! I was envious of how fast she delivered (and part of me wanted to strangle her, but I won't get into that!). Somewhere around 4 am I got a shot of morphine for the pain. I couldn't get an epidural until I was transferred to the labour and delivery room I would actually deliver in. The morphine was okay. It took the edge off and made me really dopey in between contractions. Honestly, the time from there until about 6:30 when I was finally transferred to my room is blurry. I have no idea. I was in so much pain. Already about 11 hours of hard contractions 2 minutes apart.
In the room they started the IV to prep me for that epidural, which I finally got around 8am. I was so worried about having these insane contractions while he was doing the epidural, but somehow I managed. I was surprised that it didn't hurt at all...and how fast it works! I was sooo happy after. I could finally rest for a bit. The epidural made me reallllllly itchy though. I wanted to scratch my skin right off my neck, arms and chest!! At this point I was only about 3cm. The epidural stopped my labour so they started pitocin. It took me until about 1:00 to get to 5cm. I was feeling a lot of pressure too. So much so that I was back to doing all that lovely breathing to get through each "contraction" that caused this increase in pressure. Within 20 minutes I went from 5cm right to 10cm. The problem was that my epidural failed in some ways. I wasn't feeling the full pain of the contractions (just insane amounts of pressure), but whenever they did anything (like check me) I could feel it. I was practically crawling over the back of the bed it hurt so much. I also spiked a fever which affected Mason's heart rate so they wanted to start some antibiotics. I started to push and the doctor realized that the baby was in the "Occiput Posterior" position. This means that his head was facing my backbone. Later the doctor told me this is why I had such intense back pain and a longer labour then anticipated. It was decided that I'd better get a 'top-up' of the meds because she was threatening forceps or the vacuum if he didn't turn! They called the anesthesiologist to come back and give me another hard dose. I was so numb I couldn't even lift my legs or even move them. I still had some sensation for whatever reason (probably better for pushing but not fun. I guess I'm a suck) which kind of baffled the doctor. I started pushing again sometime after 3:30 I think. It was really a blur. I remember wondering why they wanted me to push so hard if he was the wrong way. I honestly have little memory of the time between then and 4:02 when Mason was born. I remember turning my head and to the side and closing my eyes saying, "I need a break. I can't do it." I felt something come out and thought maybe that was the head finally. All of a sudden there was this precious little baby on my stomach. I was completely shocked. I fully admit to sobbing like a baby.

I had some not so shining moments during the labour. I didn't yell and cuss like my husband thought I would. I did however swear once kind of loud during a really hard contraction right before I got the epidural. It was a solid "shiiiiiitttt!" through clenched teeth! I was truly amazed at how great I felt after he was born. I was lucky not to have to push for very long either. Gone were the contractions, the back pain and the sciatic nerve pain! I once again had to be numbed while the doctor put 2 small stitches in. Apparently my skin is so sensitive that I had the 2 small tears before I really started pushing. Meh.
Although blurry is my memory, I remember wanting to know what the anesthesiologist's name was so we could name our kid that and saying this would be an only child. It took exactly 2 weeks before I said, "I could seriously do this again." Part of me wants to do it again to see if I can do better, be more alert and less tired. I feel like I missed out in some areas because I was so out of it by the end.

Interestingly enough, about 40 minutes after he was born, a "Code Yellow" came over the hospital speakers. My aunt is a director at the hospital so she new instantly what was going on. She muttered "Shit..are you kidding me?!" Apparently a code yellow means that a baby is missing. Tell this to someone who has just given birth to her life and see how well that goes over. The hospital was instantly locked up so nobody could come in or leave. Luckily the baby was found. The 17 year old father took it or something. I still couldn't rest easy though. Jeesh!

Recovering was okay. The first couple of days it was hard to get in and out of bed and up and down the stairs, but it was doable. In the hospital they had these pads that you bent and cracked and then they'd get all cold...they were great!! At home I settled for a cold compress, but that was only needed for the first couple days. By the end of the first week I felt much better, just a whole lot more tired!
I didn't have 'issues' with hormones while I was pregnant, but after....whoa. I was sooo emotional for the first couple weeks. I cried a lot. Especially while looking at Mason. I also got overwhelmed at times and cried tears of "I can't do this." My biggest emotional upset was watching my husband's dad interact with Mason and thinking about how Mason won't know his other "papa" like this. I remembered all the things I did with my dad and cried for Mason and for myself and this loss. Luckily, I'm feeling a lot better now!! I still get teary watching The Baby Story on TLC. I totally understand now how painful/amazing/exhausting/overwhelming and life altering it can be and every time I watch it, I relive it.

It's hard to describe the pains of labour, but it's even harder to describe just how much you love your child. I can list the reasons I love my husband, but I simply love Mason because he is here and he is mine. I finally understand how much my mom loves me, and we've grown so much more closer since I've become a mom. What a truly amazing thing this motherhood is.
I am so blessed.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

He's here!

Mason Glen Martin
Born December 14th, 2007.

6lbs, 14oz
19 inches

Will update all the "details" later...Must go snuggle. Amazing how someone so small has taken my heart. I've never felt love like this before. Amazing. Truly amazing.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Well tomorrow is the big day. I think I'm finally feeling a bit nervous and anxious. This tied up with such excitement and anticipation!!

I can't wait to hold little Bean in my arms!

Stay tuned.....

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The light at the end of the...ummm...tunnel

I had another Non-Stress Test yesterday at the hospital and everything was still normal. The big news is that I'm scheduled in to be induced on Thursday!!!!

We just have to wait for a nurse to call us to come in in case it's really busy. They don't want me to have to sit around in the waiting room. So although Thursday is "loose" in terms of time, it will be the day they force me into labour (whether it's morning, noon, or night)! It's so surreal and hasn't really sunk in enough for me to get anxious or nervous. I probably won't sleep Wednesday though.
In the meantime, I have a lot to do.....

Sunday, December 9, 2007

I forgot to add these pictures!

After the last update I wanted to add a few pictures from one of my showers that my aunt had given us on November 25th. Wow..have I gotten big or what?! :P

Me and the daddy-to-be! I'm very lucky to have him. He dotes on me and makes sure I'm comfortable. He's so excited to be a dad! For the record, I have no idea what the heck I leaned my belly into. It's a consistent theme, and a consistent problem! The belly has a mind of it's own!

My mom is on the left and my aunt (a second mom!) to the right. The picture makes me laugh because it looks like I've stuffed a pillow in my shirt. I can also see how I've 'dropped' in this picture compared to other pictures of me floating around.

Me and one of my (many!) little cousins. This one is extra special to me though! She was a big help to me. We finally got the car seat and stroller which was a big relief to Mr. Sass. Soon the bear will be replaced with a Bean!

I'll spare you the 500 pictures of me opening gifts, and go for the one with the cake! hehe It was a great day, and once again I was spoiled rotten by very generous family and friends! Now we just need the baby....

The Good and the Bad

Well time is a ticking. It's just a waiting game now. Waiting and wondering. When?
When I saw the doctor this past week my blood pressure was up again (I had been out all day and not resting so it's my own fault). She did the ol' check-a-roo and said things are pretty favourable to be induced and the head is really low (you don't say! I can feel the pressure thanks!). They tried to get me in for Monday (tomorrow) but there is no room in the inn so to speak. Instead I'll go in for (another) non-stress test and see if something can be arranged for later this week. It will depend on the tests I guess and if there is room. She doesn't want me going past my due date if my blood pressure numbers are in any way elevated. It completely blows my mind that within a week I could be holding my little bean in my arms! I can't watch all those TLC shows that I love because now I get too emotional (and feel like a dolt) thinking about how I'll get to experience all of that so soon.

On another note, we had a bit of a scare on Friday night. I was home alone and *may* have climbed up on a stool to get something, and fallen backwards. I landed pretty hard on the floor on my butt/back. I had the wind knocked out of me. I called Mr. Sass and the 'telehealth' number to see if I should be concerned. My mind was racing anyway. Even though I didn't land on my stomach I did land hard and I wasn't sure if I could have hurt the baby. The nurse suggested going in to L&D to be assessed, so I did. I wasn't bleeding or having contractions and Bean was still moving around so I was feeling a bit less stressed. Everything obviously checked out fine, but I did have to listen to the (still ongoing) lectures of Mr. Sass for being on the stool, which I do deserve and accept. So stupid. I'm still paying for it. My tail bone/butt is sooo sore from it taking the brunt of my fall along with my wrist. I'm pretty sure it's got a mild sprain, but it's funny how no one at the hospital (nor me for that matter) was too concerned with anything but the baby. And that's the way it should be. I'll be fine, but no more climbing. Lesson learned!

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Week 37!

So now I'm considered full-term and I'm "good to go" at anytime.
I've had a bit of excitement the last week.

My co-workers gave me a wonderful shower on the Wednesday and then on Sunday my girl friends gave me another shower! We totally got spoiled. With my friends it was a surprise, and I have to admit it was a surprise! It's hard to pass one over me, and I was a bit of a pain in the butt/stress to them, but it worked out in the end. I had a great time.

Then that night, I ended up in the hospital because my blood pressure got dangerously high and was staying up even with some rest. They did some tests and monitored the baby (both of which came back normal) and then suddenly it came back down again. I was sent home since I was seeing my doctor the next day anyway. I had to stay off work for a couple days and have more tests done at the hospital. It looks like some rest did me good and my blood pressure was pretty good so I was given the go-ahead to return to work. That lasted half a day. My blood pressure shot up high again and now I've had to take an early leave (2 weeks earlier then I wanted). I was really upset to leave the kids that way, but now I'm glad I did. I can get use to this "jammy day" thing! I'm going in next week to have a little fun with the kids and properly say 'goodbye' (and to threaten them to within an inch of their lives if they misbehave for the temp. teacher in before my replacement comes! They were a real handful for one of the teachers who covered me!). So now the countdown is on.
I'll have to post some pics from the shower, but I need to get some from my friends first!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I went to the doctor today. It's time to go every week now! The good news (to me!) was that there was no weight gain and the baby has dropped. Apparently the head is sitting quite low. No kidding! Check out the waddle I have and the frequent flier miles I'm getting in the bathroom!

I also had a bit of a scare. My pregnancy has been almost 'text book' (except for the whole conception thing), but this time my blood pressure was waaaayyyy to high. The doctor had me rest for 20 minutes while she saw other patients and then took it again. She said if it was still high (I think she said it was about 136/90) she was sending me to the hospital for further 'investigation' and possible induction. Yikes!! Thank goodness it came down enough for her to let me go. I'm not sure what made it spike up like that. I felt 110%!! I had to go get a home monitoring kit and I must check my blood pressure 4 times a day with strict orders to go to the hospital if it reads anything 140/90 and over. She also mentioned wanting me to leave work early!! She asked how hard it would be to leave which I mentioned 2 words "report cards." Not great timing. Although I'll do whatever it takes, it's less than ideal. We decided to wait and see, and keep a close watch before we make any decisions.
Honestly, I'm more stressed now!
Back to relaxing!

**edit: dinnertime bp was 120/ far so good.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I love being pregnant. I think I've had a fairly 'easy' time with this pregnancy so far, and I'm not about to truly complain. However, there are a few things I miss or that are starting to annoy me:

- trying to roll over in bed at night. Why does it have to be such a big deal? I'm lucky I sleep really well, but dammit rolling over is a pain in the butt. I may have asked Mr. Sass to push me over a time or two..but that was when my sciatic nerve was bothering me too!

- getting up to pee every 2-3 hours. One night I got up every single hour on the hour. I had to laugh or I'd be pissed. I woke up at exactly 33 minutes past the hour EVERY hour. To pee. That was the last time I drank a full bottle of water and some milk that late at night.

- I've woken up a couple times now and been unable to get back to sleep. I lie there and think of all the things I have to do and haven't. I fully blame Mr. Sass for this. He's the worry wart these days. Not me. I'm cool as a cucumber, unless it's 4:30 in the morning.

- tying my shoes. Heck, even putting them on is a chore. I want to be able to move around like I did before. It's gotten to the point where Mr. Sass will tie my shoes for me if I smile real pretty. Ditto for putting on socks, shaving my legs, and painting my toenails. I will now pay to have my toes done again, socks are a necessary evil, and I'm lucky that my hair doesn't really grow so I only have to shave about once a month, if that. ..but still!

- breathing. I get out of breath so easily. I feel like I'm out of shape.

- my bladder must be an excellent place to rest upon. I could go to the bathroom every 10 minutes...or at least it feels that way! :)

- I now waddle. Thanks to everyone who points it out...everyday. Like I've forgotten. I can't help it. I've tried to not waddle, but I guess it doesn't work. Just don't throw bits of bread at me okay?

- picking things up. Just like tying shoes, this is hard. Luckily, I have my husband and students trained really well. Still working on the dog.

- my bellybutton hurts. I don't know why, but it makes me worry that it's going to pop. I just might barf if it does. It's awfully 'shallow'.... that's what's irking me right now. Maybe it's because I'm tired and hungry...but it's not like I can eat that much before I get 'full'. Only to be hungry an hour later!

Ahhh man...the baby is rolling around. Now I feel guilty. It's all worth it. Every last ache and strain and annoyance.... *sigh*

Monday, November 5, 2007

New pics!

These pics are from the end of October (actually Oct 24th - daddy's birthday).

I was 33 weeks at the time. We had a great ultrasound technician. Although she's not suppose to, she let Mr. Sass come in for the whole thing and told us what she was looking at, and told us that things were normal and healthy.
She did say little Bean has big feet, but the way she was pressing on me, I say she got a good close up of them (and perhaps collapsed a lung in the process!). Enjoy!

Little Bean is too big now (about 4-4.5 pounds says Dr!) to fit all of his/her body in the picture. This is obviously a 'head' shot. Look closely, Bean is sucking his/her thumb.

Look even closer and you can see Beans hand opened up near the mouth!

One of Bean's apparently 'large' feet. Kissable :)

God, I can't wait to meet this little person. To see who had been passing their time kicking me in the ribs and pressing on my bladder!

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

For my little pumpkin:

I got a little creative last night:

33.5 weeks and as round as a pumpkin!

Happy Halloween little Bean!

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I can't believe it's only about 45 more days to go! It's absolutely insane! Time is flying by so quickly.
I didn't think I'd do this, because I take what people say to heart, but while I'm killing time until I get my tired butt into gear and scan my new ultrasound pictures, here are some names we are considering for little Bean:



It's a long list, and there area few more names lurking around. You'd think we'd be able to decide on at least one..but no such luck so far! We'll probably be one of those couples who don't name their baby for weeks on end. It's just too bad they don't let you leave the hospital before you name the baby and do all that paperwork and such! Heaven help us.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Our first pre-natal class was pretty good. There are 6 of us in the class including one Mennonite couple. We are all due very close together and boy do we vary in size! This Thanksgiving weekend, I'm very thankful that I'm not as big as most of the women there! Oy!
I say that in the nicest possible way though!

I'm now 30 weeks and it seems really hard to believe that the end is in sight! Little Bean is suppose to be in and around the 3 pound mark now!
I'm enjoying (not) the late night leg cramps that have me cursing a blue streak and leaving my calf muscle sore for days on end. I've been told increasing my calcium even more and stretching right before I go to bed will help, so I've been doing that. All in all, I still feel great.
Happy Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

I had my appointment yesterday. Pretty straight forward. Nothing new. Except I did get a "kick" out of one thing. The doctor was using that 'wand' thing to listen to the heartbeat and we were chatting. Then BOOM! little Beam kicks the wand! You could see my whole stomach move and it echoed in the room. I laughed and she tried it again, and BOOM! Again Bean kicked in protest.
Message taken.
She put it away.
Well done Bean. Causing trouble already. Have I told you how much I love you?!

Tomorrow, we have our first pre-natal class. Fun stuff!

Monday, October 1, 2007

The Best News!!!

Oh Little Bean!
I got such awesome news today!! One of my best, best, best friends is pregnant! It seems by March you will have a little playmate! I think you could tell how excited I was, because you were moving around like mad while we chatted. Auntie K calls you "K-Dub" (short for Keith Wallace...a long story that we'll tell you one day!), so to return the 'favour' of a nickname, her little sprout is affectionately being called Fred Penner (you know she has a sick obsession!).
I'm so happy for her and her husband. They will make such wonderful parents!

Congrats K!
(hope you don't mind this picture being posted!)


Saturday, September 22, 2007

28 weeks!

I'm now officially in my third trimester.
Everything continues to go very well. The baby is healthy, all my tests come back great. I feel great. I've gained about 7 pounds now. I actually lost about 3 pounds between my last visit and this past one. I guess nobody is too concerned, since I eat well and the baby seems to be doing 'swimmingly!". I eat like a champ, but I get a lot of exercise these days! It's not like I was a waif coming into this pregnancy, so with any luck weight has been shifted (I have a no return policy okay?!) from my butt to my belly!
I'm going to the doctor's every 2 weeks now. That has really made it set in, that this is going to happen sooner rather than later!

Little Bean likes to move around a lot. I'm fascinated that he/she will respond with movement to my pokes, light, my laugh or even loud sounds.

The kids at work have been giving me advice to no end. It's sooo cute. Understand, that I haven't said too much to them about being pregnant. They know I am, and that the baby is coming in December ("You should name it Jesus if it's a boy" was one offer). I took them out for a walk the other day and one of the girls randomly said, "Don't worry Ms. Sassy, when you walk it will put the baby to sleep, and it won't kick you as much." Her mom just had a baby so she seems to be more in tune to certain things. In fact, it was the first day of school and she knew right away that I was pregnant. The others didn't. Another boy likes to tell me all the "disgusting" stuff his new baby brother does. "Ms. Sassy, get ready for this: my little brother didn't go to the bathroom for 3 days and then he farted and poo came flying out the sides and the top of his diaper. It went on the floor a volcano!!" I just laugh. I love it.
Other kids have decided that they love my belly. They are always hugging me and touching my belly. I guess they see their parents randomly come up and touch me *sigh*.
All is good these days...except for some swollen feet from standing too long at our open house the other day. I believe the term is "cankles?!" Yay.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Belly Pics!

As requested - I have some belly pics. I'm now about 6 and a half months pregnant. I looked at the pictures from 5 months and then these ones, and was surprised at how much bigger I am. I still haven't even gained 10 pounds yet (I'm hovering around 7 lbs these days), but I seem to have popped! I love my round belly! I love sitting on the couch and watching it move around as Bean rolls and kicks.The time is going by so quickly. It's shocking to think I only have about 3.5 months until I get to meet little Bean!

I said before I was ever pregnant, that if I was visibly pregnant over Halloween I'd do 2 things:
1. Paint my belly like a jack-0-lantern.
2. Dress up like a nun for school (remember I teach in a Catholic school - and the thought of a 'pregnant nun' kills me. I know I need to grow up!).

I will do both! I have started looking for a decent nun costume already!

p.s. don't forget to vote!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

New doctor...

I went to meet the new doctor last week. She comes with an incredible high recommendation from both patients and medical staff. My aunt works pretty 'high' up in administration and asked around for the name of the "best," both in terms of actual medical practice and bedside manner. It seems this particular doctor is very well respected amongst medical professionals too. I knew going to meet with her, that my gut feeling was going to determine my own feelings. Besides, she has to get my sense of humour or all bets are off. I doubt I'll have much of a sense of humour in about 3 months time, but in the small off chance I do: she better get it!
I really liked her. And she got the few subtle jokes I made in passing. She took the time to go over my chart so far and do a thorough job in getting up to speed on my pregnancy thus far. She took time to answer all my questions and send me off with information I need to read. I left the office knowing I'm in great hands.
It's just a little weird for me to be in the care of a female doctor! I've only ever had males. It doesn't make a lick of difference, and maybe it's better knowing she has the same parts I do, and has recently had her own kids. Minor detail. The important thing is that me and Bean are well taken care of and I feel comfortable with my doctors right? Great.

** Ohhhh! Check out the poll on the side. Vote. Is Bean a boy or a girl?!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Today, a random stranger asked me when I was due. You have no idea how happy that made me! Sure, I like the attention, but it must mean that I look pregnant and not just like I've been eating A LOT! Then, on my way through the checkout, the "bag-boy" (man) asked me if I wanted help carrying out my groceries. When I politely declined he said that I shouldn't be lifting the heavy items if I'm expecting. Maybe I should start taking advantage of people's generosity!

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Half way there!

Well little Bean, you made it though a wedding! I'm completely exhausted from dancing all night (even with frequent breaks whether I liked it or not!). The dress I wore hid you well, but you made your presence known. I could feel you moving around all night with me.
Today was my 'last' visit with my family doctor. He's retired from delivering babies, so I'm off to be under the care of another doctor that comes highly recommended. I'm sure we'll be in good hands. Your heartbeat was so loud and clear a little mustang racing along!
It's hard to believe I'm half way through this pregnancy. I love being pregnant!

Here's a picture of the bassinet we got. We finally decided on some crib bedding too. Now we can paint! I'll make sure to post pictures when it's done...although maybe I should get on finding some furniture for that room?! Meh..all in good time.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Oh baby look at you now!

I went for my ultrasound yesterday. Almost 19 weeks now :)

I've been feeling little Bean move around a lot these last few days. I've been feeling it for awhile but wasn't 100% sure if I was feeling movement or not. Now I'm certain! What an awesome feeling. However, this 10:00 at night party time has to stop. That's when I feel Bean the most. I wonder what Bean is up to in there! Hmmm, better 10:00 than 3am I guess!

Watching little Bean on the ultrasound monitor was so great. The technician took extra time to go over every part of the baby (except the area that could reveal the sex!) several times so we could get a good look. I nearly died when we got a couple good looks at Bean's little feet and hands waving around. Precious. Baby is about 17cm now!

Here's the picture:

Bean is face down, butt in the air. No comments from the peanut gallery (A.K.A Exile). The head is on the left. You can see the spine and if you follow it down and around Bean's cute little bum, you can see the leg bones (legs all tucked up) and if you look really close you can see the feet! The arms are curled up against Bean's chest.

Hippychic: You asked about colour of the room. I think it will be green. I'll post pictures when it's all finished of course!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bean's a growing!

Here's what's going on with bean these days:

Head to bottom, your baby is approximately 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a large sweet potato..Sweet potato?! So much for "Bean"...although "My Little Sweet Potato" doesn't have the same ring to it.) and she weighs almost 7 ounces. She's busy flexing her arms and legs — movements that you'll likely start noticing more and more (not yet :( ). Her blood vessels are visible through her thin skin and her ears are now in position and stand out from her head (should I stop swearing so much?). Myelin (a protective covering) is beginning to form around her nerves, a process that will continue for a year after she's born. If you're having a girl, her uterus and Fallopian tubes are formed and in place. If your baby is a boy, his genitals are noticeable, though he may hide them from you during an ultrasound.

I have my next ultrasound next Wednesday!!

Friday, June 29, 2007

It's finally happened...

I'm still holding steady with no weight gain. I'd like to think it's shifting from other 'more cushy' areas to my belly, but the chances of that are slim aren't they? When it comes down to it, I don't think I truly care, as long as I'm keeping healthy.
Anyways, it's finally happened.
I can't do up about 90% of my pants now.
Time to bust out the "Bella Band."
Greatest invention ever!
I'm loving the start of this little ponch I have going on...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Appointment day!

Another appointment today. I'm still with my regular doctor. He retired from all this 'baby business' while ago, because the late nights were interfering with his golf game or something. He's promised to take care of me though, but has to give me over to another doctor soon just so I can get on someones 'delivery list.' I really like my doctor, and I don't want to go to anyone else. I like that he's not politically correct and that he takes all the time in the world for me. He delivered me when I was born! Oh well. He knows best. I have an aunt who works in the administration aspects of the medical field (mainly this new hospital they are building now) and can get me in with the best doctor in this area and guarantee I get the best of the best treatment if I want to deliver in this city. Very tempting. And reassuring.
Anyway I digress.

I heard Bean's heartbeat for the first time today!!

Holy mack! I admit to getting a bit puddled up, but I held it together.
Once again, my heart has been ripped out, and belongs to someone else now!

Monday, June 25, 2007

The first pics of my little bean!

My 13 week ultrasound picture (June 7th, 2007):

Bean's head is on the right. Both arms are up and were moving around. At one point we could see the whole hand clearly. You can see his/her spine and a leg too.
Every time I laughed or coughed the baby would move around and wind up for a kick. Maybe in a couple weeks I won't find it so funny.

I was in complete awe. This made everything feel so very real. I could have stared at that screen all day. I'm already in love.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Week 15: Almost done.
I'm not sure why the ticker on the side is a few days off, but come Tuesday I shall be 16 weeks! Even though my first trimester went by very easily with no morning sickness, weight gain or other ill effects (except for some serious fatigue!), there is such a difference in my energy levels now that I'm in the second trimester. I feel this incredible urge to just clean and get rid of junk. Maybe I'm nesting.

This is what is happening to my little bean:

Your baby's nails are well formed, and some babies are even in need of having their nails trimmed at birth. The ears have also moved from the neck to the head. Your baby is emptying his or her bladder every 40-45 minutes. The limb movements are becoming more coordinated. Your baby is about 3 ounces (85 grams) and 6.3 inches (16 cms). The gender may be detectable by ultrasound.The legs are now longer than the arms, and s/he is moving those arms and legs frequently, especially since there's still lots of room to move within the uterus.

I have my next appointment on Tuesday :)

Saturday, June 23, 2007

It's been really great sharing our news with people. I really feel blessed and I'm looking forward to all the trials and tribulations of being a mom. I think one of the best 'reactions' was from my nephew William. I had just told his mom (Hella Bella) and we joked about how payback will be a bitch. Let's just leave it at: I've had a lot of fun with her son in the first 5 years of his life so far! I leave the phone for a minute and come back on to Will's voice asking, "Auntie Sass, is there a baby in your tummy?"
"Yes, sweetie there is."
A short pause.
"I'm going to buy him drums!" I can hear Hella laughing her rear end off in the background as visions of musical instruments, bowling sets, and other loud toys haunt my mind. I instantly regretted everything I've done.
Only for a second though.
Might as well continue...I'm screwed anyway!

And in the beginning....

It's funny how time is flying by. I've wanted to start this blog since the day I found out I was pregnant...and here we are 15 weeks later. Procrastinate much?

Truth is, I didn't want to start a blog until most of our friends knew, in case one should happen upon it. That happened already with one auntie. I wanted to tell her in person, but I forgot she "secretly" reads my other blog...and she found the picture of me! D'oh! I read somewhere where hormones make you more klutzy and forgetful. I'll take that excuse!

So here is the start of yet another journey (one well under way by now!)....