Saturday, November 24, 2007

Week 37!

So now I'm considered full-term and I'm "good to go" at anytime.
I've had a bit of excitement the last week.

My co-workers gave me a wonderful shower on the Wednesday and then on Sunday my girl friends gave me another shower! We totally got spoiled. With my friends it was a surprise, and I have to admit it was a surprise! It's hard to pass one over me, and I was a bit of a pain in the butt/stress to them, but it worked out in the end. I had a great time.

Then that night, I ended up in the hospital because my blood pressure got dangerously high and was staying up even with some rest. They did some tests and monitored the baby (both of which came back normal) and then suddenly it came back down again. I was sent home since I was seeing my doctor the next day anyway. I had to stay off work for a couple days and have more tests done at the hospital. It looks like some rest did me good and my blood pressure was pretty good so I was given the go-ahead to return to work. That lasted half a day. My blood pressure shot up high again and now I've had to take an early leave (2 weeks earlier then I wanted). I was really upset to leave the kids that way, but now I'm glad I did. I can get use to this "jammy day" thing! I'm going in next week to have a little fun with the kids and properly say 'goodbye' (and to threaten them to within an inch of their lives if they misbehave for the temp. teacher in before my replacement comes! They were a real handful for one of the teachers who covered me!). So now the countdown is on.
I'll have to post some pics from the shower, but I need to get some from my friends first!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I went to the doctor today. It's time to go every week now! The good news (to me!) was that there was no weight gain and the baby has dropped. Apparently the head is sitting quite low. No kidding! Check out the waddle I have and the frequent flier miles I'm getting in the bathroom!

I also had a bit of a scare. My pregnancy has been almost 'text book' (except for the whole conception thing), but this time my blood pressure was waaaayyyy to high. The doctor had me rest for 20 minutes while she saw other patients and then took it again. She said if it was still high (I think she said it was about 136/90) she was sending me to the hospital for further 'investigation' and possible induction. Yikes!! Thank goodness it came down enough for her to let me go. I'm not sure what made it spike up like that. I felt 110%!! I had to go get a home monitoring kit and I must check my blood pressure 4 times a day with strict orders to go to the hospital if it reads anything 140/90 and over. She also mentioned wanting me to leave work early!! She asked how hard it would be to leave which I mentioned 2 words "report cards." Not great timing. Although I'll do whatever it takes, it's less than ideal. We decided to wait and see, and keep a close watch before we make any decisions.
Honestly, I'm more stressed now!
Back to relaxing!

**edit: dinnertime bp was 120/ far so good.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

I love being pregnant. I think I've had a fairly 'easy' time with this pregnancy so far, and I'm not about to truly complain. However, there are a few things I miss or that are starting to annoy me:

- trying to roll over in bed at night. Why does it have to be such a big deal? I'm lucky I sleep really well, but dammit rolling over is a pain in the butt. I may have asked Mr. Sass to push me over a time or two..but that was when my sciatic nerve was bothering me too!

- getting up to pee every 2-3 hours. One night I got up every single hour on the hour. I had to laugh or I'd be pissed. I woke up at exactly 33 minutes past the hour EVERY hour. To pee. That was the last time I drank a full bottle of water and some milk that late at night.

- I've woken up a couple times now and been unable to get back to sleep. I lie there and think of all the things I have to do and haven't. I fully blame Mr. Sass for this. He's the worry wart these days. Not me. I'm cool as a cucumber, unless it's 4:30 in the morning.

- tying my shoes. Heck, even putting them on is a chore. I want to be able to move around like I did before. It's gotten to the point where Mr. Sass will tie my shoes for me if I smile real pretty. Ditto for putting on socks, shaving my legs, and painting my toenails. I will now pay to have my toes done again, socks are a necessary evil, and I'm lucky that my hair doesn't really grow so I only have to shave about once a month, if that. ..but still!

- breathing. I get out of breath so easily. I feel like I'm out of shape.

- my bladder must be an excellent place to rest upon. I could go to the bathroom every 10 minutes...or at least it feels that way! :)

- I now waddle. Thanks to everyone who points it out...everyday. Like I've forgotten. I can't help it. I've tried to not waddle, but I guess it doesn't work. Just don't throw bits of bread at me okay?

- picking things up. Just like tying shoes, this is hard. Luckily, I have my husband and students trained really well. Still working on the dog.

- my bellybutton hurts. I don't know why, but it makes me worry that it's going to pop. I just might barf if it does. It's awfully 'shallow'.... that's what's irking me right now. Maybe it's because I'm tired and hungry...but it's not like I can eat that much before I get 'full'. Only to be hungry an hour later!

Ahhh man...the baby is rolling around. Now I feel guilty. It's all worth it. Every last ache and strain and annoyance.... *sigh*

Monday, November 5, 2007

New pics!

These pics are from the end of October (actually Oct 24th - daddy's birthday).

I was 33 weeks at the time. We had a great ultrasound technician. Although she's not suppose to, she let Mr. Sass come in for the whole thing and told us what she was looking at, and told us that things were normal and healthy.
She did say little Bean has big feet, but the way she was pressing on me, I say she got a good close up of them (and perhaps collapsed a lung in the process!). Enjoy!

Little Bean is too big now (about 4-4.5 pounds says Dr!) to fit all of his/her body in the picture. This is obviously a 'head' shot. Look closely, Bean is sucking his/her thumb.

Look even closer and you can see Beans hand opened up near the mouth!

One of Bean's apparently 'large' feet. Kissable :)

God, I can't wait to meet this little person. To see who had been passing their time kicking me in the ribs and pressing on my bladder!