Thursday, November 8, 2007

I love being pregnant. I think I've had a fairly 'easy' time with this pregnancy so far, and I'm not about to truly complain. However, there are a few things I miss or that are starting to annoy me:

- trying to roll over in bed at night. Why does it have to be such a big deal? I'm lucky I sleep really well, but dammit rolling over is a pain in the butt. I may have asked Mr. Sass to push me over a time or two..but that was when my sciatic nerve was bothering me too!

- getting up to pee every 2-3 hours. One night I got up every single hour on the hour. I had to laugh or I'd be pissed. I woke up at exactly 33 minutes past the hour EVERY hour. To pee. That was the last time I drank a full bottle of water and some milk that late at night.

- I've woken up a couple times now and been unable to get back to sleep. I lie there and think of all the things I have to do and haven't. I fully blame Mr. Sass for this. He's the worry wart these days. Not me. I'm cool as a cucumber, unless it's 4:30 in the morning.

- tying my shoes. Heck, even putting them on is a chore. I want to be able to move around like I did before. It's gotten to the point where Mr. Sass will tie my shoes for me if I smile real pretty. Ditto for putting on socks, shaving my legs, and painting my toenails. I will now pay to have my toes done again, socks are a necessary evil, and I'm lucky that my hair doesn't really grow so I only have to shave about once a month, if that. ..but still!

- breathing. I get out of breath so easily. I feel like I'm out of shape.

- my bladder must be an excellent place to rest upon. I could go to the bathroom every 10 minutes...or at least it feels that way! :)

- I now waddle. Thanks to everyone who points it out...everyday. Like I've forgotten. I can't help it. I've tried to not waddle, but I guess it doesn't work. Just don't throw bits of bread at me okay?

- picking things up. Just like tying shoes, this is hard. Luckily, I have my husband and students trained really well. Still working on the dog.

- my bellybutton hurts. I don't know why, but it makes me worry that it's going to pop. I just might barf if it does. It's awfully 'shallow'.... that's what's irking me right now. Maybe it's because I'm tired and hungry...but it's not like I can eat that much before I get 'full'. Only to be hungry an hour later!

Ahhh man...the baby is rolling around. Now I feel guilty. It's all worth it. Every last ache and strain and annoyance.... *sigh*


Osbasso said...

Hmmm... I've been experiencing most of those symptoms now for years, especially the peeing ones. I feel for ya babe!

Anonymous said...

The whole not being able to take a deep breath in for the last month was the real bitch for me....and I totally feel ya on how everyone points out that you waddle when you are this far along.
THe kids at the daycare made it a gross motor activity. Lets see who can waddle as fast as Hella........its all worth it babe!!


Awww you didn't really even complain! :)
I told the doctor I was going to explode if he didn't DO something in a hurry - like he could... I can't believe you are almost fully cooked! It's like waiting for the little thermometer to pop out the top of a turkey! You are going to have THE most magical Christmas EVER!!! :)

Mackey said...

All the things you mentioned are completely normal. Don't feel bad.
You will be able to breath better once the baby drops......but then you will feel like he/she is falling out of your crotch!:)
Before you know it baby bean will be here & this will be but a memory.