Saturday, September 22, 2007

28 weeks!

I'm now officially in my third trimester.
Everything continues to go very well. The baby is healthy, all my tests come back great. I feel great. I've gained about 7 pounds now. I actually lost about 3 pounds between my last visit and this past one. I guess nobody is too concerned, since I eat well and the baby seems to be doing 'swimmingly!". I eat like a champ, but I get a lot of exercise these days! It's not like I was a waif coming into this pregnancy, so with any luck weight has been shifted (I have a no return policy okay?!) from my butt to my belly!
I'm going to the doctor's every 2 weeks now. That has really made it set in, that this is going to happen sooner rather than later!

Little Bean likes to move around a lot. I'm fascinated that he/she will respond with movement to my pokes, light, my laugh or even loud sounds.

The kids at work have been giving me advice to no end. It's sooo cute. Understand, that I haven't said too much to them about being pregnant. They know I am, and that the baby is coming in December ("You should name it Jesus if it's a boy" was one offer). I took them out for a walk the other day and one of the girls randomly said, "Don't worry Ms. Sassy, when you walk it will put the baby to sleep, and it won't kick you as much." Her mom just had a baby so she seems to be more in tune to certain things. In fact, it was the first day of school and she knew right away that I was pregnant. The others didn't. Another boy likes to tell me all the "disgusting" stuff his new baby brother does. "Ms. Sassy, get ready for this: my little brother didn't go to the bathroom for 3 days and then he farted and poo came flying out the sides and the top of his diaper. It went on the floor a volcano!!" I just laugh. I love it.
Other kids have decided that they love my belly. They are always hugging me and touching my belly. I guess they see their parents randomly come up and touch me *sigh*.
All is good these days...except for some swollen feet from standing too long at our open house the other day. I believe the term is "cankles?!" Yay.


Mackey said...

7 lbs??!! Man...I think by my third trimester I had gained 1000 lbs.....well, something close to that:)

I was always under the impression that if it was a boy you would name him Cletus:)

Cori said...

Oh, but you could pronounce it the Spanish "Hay-zoos", for an international flair!

Randi said...

Yay! It all sounds so amazing!!!

The Funky Bee said...

Awwww, this is awesome. Kids are just too cute and I love their "advice". I can't believe you've only gained 7 pounds. I just know I'll gain about 50 if I ever get preggers. Good Luck Sassy. Keep up the good work!

SG said...

Yup, it'll probably be 50 by the time mine pops out. I'm already over 40. Sigh. Oh well, the important thing is a healthy baby, in the end. Glad to hear things are going well!

DINK said...

You are doing so well Sass...LOL on Mac`s comment about Cletus!