Monday, November 5, 2007

New pics!

These pics are from the end of October (actually Oct 24th - daddy's birthday).

I was 33 weeks at the time. We had a great ultrasound technician. Although she's not suppose to, she let Mr. Sass come in for the whole thing and told us what she was looking at, and told us that things were normal and healthy.
She did say little Bean has big feet, but the way she was pressing on me, I say she got a good close up of them (and perhaps collapsed a lung in the process!). Enjoy!

Little Bean is too big now (about 4-4.5 pounds says Dr!) to fit all of his/her body in the picture. This is obviously a 'head' shot. Look closely, Bean is sucking his/her thumb.

Look even closer and you can see Beans hand opened up near the mouth!

One of Bean's apparently 'large' feet. Kissable :)

God, I can't wait to meet this little person. To see who had been passing their time kicking me in the ribs and pressing on my bladder!


Anonymous said...

My eyes are filling up!
I am sooo happy to see this little person growing in you.
I can't wait to spoil them!!!

g-man said...

BIG feet. How tall is Mr. Sass? Nice pictures thanks for sharing. :)

Randi said...

I want to play the piggie game with those little tooties.


Awwww! God I know you are so excited!! I am excited for you! So are you getting a baby shower??