Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Appointment day!

Another appointment today. I'm still with my regular doctor. He retired from all this 'baby business' while ago, because the late nights were interfering with his golf game or something. He's promised to take care of me though, but has to give me over to another doctor soon just so I can get on someones 'delivery list.' I really like my doctor, and I don't want to go to anyone else. I like that he's not politically correct and that he takes all the time in the world for me. He delivered me when I was born! Oh well. He knows best. I have an aunt who works in the administration aspects of the medical field (mainly this new hospital they are building now) and can get me in with the best doctor in this area and guarantee I get the best of the best treatment if I want to deliver in this city. Very tempting. And reassuring.
Anyway I digress.

I heard Bean's heartbeat for the first time today!!

Holy mack! I admit to getting a bit puddled up, but I held it together.
Once again, my heart has been ripped out, and belongs to someone else now!


Osbasso said...

"Delivery List"??? I thought Canadians just went out and squatted in the fields. Must be the ones out on the plains. I'm glad you're doing this blog to set things straight! ;-)

exile said...

and the first time the kid wants to borrow the keys to the car...


Aint it the most magnificent thing you ever heard?!! :)

Randi said...

That is so DOPE!

Ka_Ka said...

O Casamento do Sol

Dizem que em certo tempo desejou o Sol de se casar, e todas as gentes, agravadas disso, se foram queixar a Júpiter, dizendo: - Que no Estio trabalhosamente sofriam um Sol, que com seus raios os abrasava, donde inferiam e provavam, que se o Sol casasse e viesse a ter filhos, queimaria o mundo todo; porque um Sol faria Verão calmoso na Índia, outro em Grécia, outro na Noruega e terras setentrionais; pelo que sendo todas as três zonas tórridas, não teriam as gentes onde viver. Visto isto por Júpiter, mandou que não casasse.

(Esopo, Fábulas, vertidas do grego por Manuel Mendes)


Cori said...

Hey, I'm out in the plains! We have huts for squatting, than you very much. Or igloos.

You should see if you can get a bunch of student doctors with your OB in the room with you; it's so rewarding knowing you are helping with so many people's careers while you are grunting and squishing out a baby. Not that I am speaking from experience...