Friday, June 29, 2007

It's finally happened...

I'm still holding steady with no weight gain. I'd like to think it's shifting from other 'more cushy' areas to my belly, but the chances of that are slim aren't they? When it comes down to it, I don't think I truly care, as long as I'm keeping healthy.
Anyways, it's finally happened.
I can't do up about 90% of my pants now.
Time to bust out the "Bella Band."
Greatest invention ever!
I'm loving the start of this little ponch I have going on...



I wish they would have had those when I was pregnant a million years ago!! Looks so comfy!

Cori said...

That's pretty cool!

Saw your ticker, Bean looks more like a baby now, how exciting!!

Shora said...

Your pregnancy is bringing back some great old memories. I LOVED being pregnant! Especially once my tummy started responding when I poked back. SO exciting!

You've prob been told this dozens of times already, but... "What To Expect When You're Expecting" has been many a pregnant woman's bible. Check it out if you haven't already.


Sassy said...

Shora - I do have it..and a couple others too! It's been sooo helpful!

Lisa said...

Woo-hoo! Thanks for your kind thoughts on my quad screen... I am still right there with you with the no weight gain thing...I still weigh a bit less than pre-pregnancy... but like you, I trust that I am eating well and exercising well and things are fine. Yay!

Mackey said...

That si a cool invention! Why the hell didn't I think of that!